Sunday, 12 February 2012

What is Wazzub

What is WAZZUB?

WAZZUB is the first project in the world's profit-sharing

Have you ever heard of Facebook or Google? Here WAZZUB will be much more.
WAZZUB will be a brand new social network, a brand new search engine with integrated news, games, videos, your favorite sites all in one page.
WAZZUB is different, though, because we users, unlike Google and Facebook, we will be paid for using the service and keep them as our only WAZZUB homepage.
It will do so only until 08/04/2012 by registering HERE.
In fact, earn $ 1 for each user that you will subscribe and for each user who registers at the invitation of those who have invited you.
So up to 5 levels below you.
WAZZUB is not a MLM (Multi-Level Marketing)
If you invite 5 friends and they do the same:

First Level 5 x $1.00 = $5.00
  1. Second level  25 x $1.00 = $25.00
  2. Third level 125 x $1.00 = $125.00
  3. Fourth Level 625 x $1.00 = $625.00
  4. Fifth Level 3125 x $1.00 = $3,125.00
Your input would be = $ 3,905.00 per month for doing NOTHING other than what you do every day, how to navigate and simply hold as homepage WAZZUB.
I highly recommend you hurry up 99.99% of the world does not know it yet, go here to SIGN UP. WAZZUB is in prelaunch until 'April 8, 2012, there are only three months ...
IMPORTANT: Both the inscription that the subsequent use of WAZZUB is FREE.
No hidden charges ...
No product or service to sell or buy.
On April 9, 2012 the site will be launched officially in beta, and we'll start to gain users. Step by step will be more added features and services that will make WAZZUB the perfect home: a powerful search engine, a new custom section, news, best offers on the Internet, and features great entertainment such as videos, games and more ...
On July 1, 2012 will be released the final version.


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