Friday, 10 February 2012

Wazzub is a scam?

WAZZUB is a scam or a pyramid scheme?

Surely many of you have just found on the internet WAZZUB WAZZUB have thought if it is a scam or a pyramid scheme or even a chain of S. Antonio.

First, WAZZUB is a scam? To date we have enough information about the company. we know that the main project will be launched on 09.04.2012 and that we are now in pre-launch, the period most important for each of us: sign up to invite friends and relatives and be able to earn after the launch.

There are two questions that everyone might think?

What is the worst scenario if WAZZUB was a scam?

What is the best scenario if WAZZUB be true and will really work?

If your question "WAZZUB is a scam?" The answer is yes, the worst case scenario you might have is that you have spent money on electricity, or wasted money for the minutes used on the phone to call friends and relatives.

WAZZUB is free forever. Just like Facebook, like Google, comeYahoo.

Registration is simple, just enter a few details and you enroll in an instant. If many people think that a name with a password is enough to rip off money from your wallet ... you're really funny ...
If at the end of everything WAZZUB you were to ask "Dear users, we need money to pay you later, please send all the money in our bank account in Nigeria," you'd be foolish to do so, remember that WAZZUB will be free forever.
Also, I do not see why they should ask them, would not make sense. The concept is very simple, if everything had to be false, do not lose large investments of money. But believe that it is not because WAZZUB is a real project ...

What is the scenario if WAZZUB miles is it?

The best WAZZUB if it were true ... (and is) is that you will not have to do is share the project with friends and family to reach an unlimited potential for great satisfaction. If you were to earn huge numbers, but knowing that by keeping your home page in your browser WAZZUB we would also earn only 30 € a month, I personally take it off immediately and put it on the fly WAZZUB Google.

If everyone agrees with this project and create their own network vast earning potential is endless. So the best scenario you could get would be earning lots of money, although many may earn only a handful of a few euros. All this of course depends on individual effort by each of us takes to build its network and to encourage others to share with others.
So with zero risk but with a huge growth potential, WAZZUB is an incredible business model

WAZZUB is a pyramid scheme?

Another question that many of you are asking is if  WAZZUB is a pyramid scheme, a chain of S. Antonio. Usually those who know the business Regulation remains of pyramid scheme knows that whoever is at the top earn lots of money while those below without pay but receive value added by filling the wallets of people in the upper levels.

If WAZZUB should be a kind of business like that, there should be someone who is paid from the bottom up. But as to register and participate on WAZZUB not have to pay anything, it can not be considered a pyramid scheme at all.
Think Facebook, those below do not pay anything, that's us users who use its services for free without spending a dime.

But, while Mark Zuckerberg who is at the top earn $ 4 billion a year, one billion users gain nothing under him. Good for him, we use Facebook for free and continue to do so because we love it.
People will use WAZZUB because in addition to pleasure him, will also be paid, because the companies will share profits. So what are you waiting for?

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